The aim of this teaching package is to show students how the transition to a sustainable bioeconomy can best take place and which social actors play a role in this transition. This teaching package contributes to acquiring the key competences in the field of sustainable development and the subject matter is in line with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15.

This teaching package is available in English, Dutch and French and can be used for the age group: 12-15 years

Sustainable circular bioeconomy

In this introduction, students learn to define Sustainable circular bioeconomy and will be able to identify the benefits and discuss the challenges of the bioeconomy.

Forest Products

play a major role in a sustainable circular economy. Yet, there are huge differences in the management of forestry activities around the world.


is about the influence that the natural environment (biosphere) has on human well-being and the ecological interconnectedness of all living things.

Outdoor Learning

 is active outdoor learning where students learn by what they do, by what they encounter, and by what they discover.

The Food Loop

includes the agriculture, hospitality, retail and energy production sectors. The circular economy is all about reusing residual waste and reducing food waste.

Life Below Water

refers to the conservation and sustainable use of resources from oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes.

This Teaching Package has been created by the project partners of Odisee University of Applied Sciences.