BioBeo and GreenScent meetup for further collaboration
Friday 13th of January two GreenDeal EU-funded projects BioBeo and GreenSCENT met to find commonalities that could be exploited further through joint action. Five participants from both projects met: Alessandro Caforio (UNINETUNNO), Diana Uzquiza (BSC) and Tom Curran (UCD) plus the two communication managers Johannes Braunbruck (SYNYO) and Pilar Orero (UAB).
Alessandro Caforio leader of GreenSCENT presented the project which is entering now its second year. GreenScent– Smart Citizen Education for a Green Future – aims to educate and empower the people of Europe to change their behaviour towards the environment by fostering empathy for the planet. At GreenSCENT, we believe that behavioural change is vital to achieving the objectives set out by the European Commission’s Green Deal of climate neutrality on the continent of Europe by 2050.

Tom Curran, the coordinator of the GreenDeal EU-funded project BioBeo from the School of Biosystems and Food Engineering, University College Dublin presented BioBeo which
introduces new thinking and approaches in education on the circular economy across Europe. While strategically overcoming the institutional and cultural barriers to implementing relevant circular bioeconomy education programs in preschool, primary, and secondary schools, BioBeo is defining and delivering novel curricula in schools. The aim is to enhance young people’s and citizens‘ involvement in policy-making for bioeconomy.
After the very productive exchange it was agreed to expand the future collaboration further through the many communication and dissemination activities planned, such as the participation in the European Parliament events or the UN WSIS 2023 forum.